A lot of teacher-authors read my WordDreams blog. In this monthly column, I share the most popular post from the past month on my teacher education blog, Ask a Tech Teacher. If you've already read this one, skip it. I'll have a new post in a few days!
Tech Tips for Writers is an occasional post on overcoming Tech Dread. I cover issues that friends, both real-time and virtual, have asked about. Feel free to post a comment about a question you have. I'll cover it in a future tip.
I used to think of a cloud document as its own backup--secure, safe, and always there. That--of course--is ridiculous. It's one copy of an important file that can be corrupted or lost. It may become inaccessible--you lost your password or got hacked or your identity stolen and the bad guy changed your logins. Or, it may simply be you can't access the internet. Whatever the reason, I realized I needed to back those up, too.
For example:
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