Apple has confirmed that its new iPhone 15 will not include the proprietary lightning charging port due to pressure from the EU. Instead, it will use a USB-C cable as the new standard. The announcement also introduced a more advanced Apple Watch series. However, some analysts believe that this year's updates from Apple lack major innovations. Apple is offering a USB-C-to-lightning port adapter for users with existing accessories. The EU mandated the change to simplify consumer life, reduce costs, and promote charger reuse, although concerns about discarded cables have been raised. Apple also made environmental commitments, such as carbon neutrality and increased use of recycled materials in its devices.
The iPhone 15 range features brighter screens, improved cameras, and some design enhancements, while the high-end models come with a titanium frame. The Apple Watch now has gesture control. Some experts question whether consumers will be willing to pay the high prices for devices that don't offer significant differences from their predecessors. Despite challenges in the smartphone market, Apple's shipments have remained relatively stable compared to other major smartphone makers.
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