A man who has dedicated an incredible amount of time telling the stories of World War II heroes joined the Glenn Beck Show recently to discuss his journey and passion.
Rishi Sharma said he began telling the stories of World War II veterans when he was in high school.
"One day I decided to ride my bike to the local retirement home, and I wanted to meet the men first-hand who I had been reading about and seeing TV shows about," Sharma said. "It was an amazing experience how open they were and the fact that I actually got to look in the eyes of someone who went through hell so that someone like me could be alive."
Sharma said meeting these veterans inspired him to want to do something more to keep their memory alive and honor their sacrifices.
"When I graduated, I was very blessed to get a lot of news coverage and I had a fundraiser and I raised funding to go out and interview as many World War II combat veterans as I could," he said. "Now it's four years later, 48 states, the UK, Canada, and Australia and just over 1,100 interviews on camera."
Sharma told Beck that he believes World War II is not covered in schools anymore and that public education is indoctrinating children to hate America.
"It's not right," he said. "I don't want to see it happen any further. That's why I am recording these stories of what these veterans actually went through, the atrocities that they came across."
You can read more of Rishi's work by checking out this link.
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